Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jared and Brady at Football Practice

Here are Jared and Brady in their brand new jerseys. Jared is #51 and Brady is #75. They play for the 8 year old Red Eagles. They of course are 9, but they were 8 on May 1st of this year which is the cutoff date.

They had a great time at practice today, they are really getting into it. The coaches have told us that they are going to start them side by side on the offensive line, Jared at left guard and Brady at left tackle.

Today at practice they had their first scrimmage. Brady is still not allowed to go full speed (i.e. no scrimmages or games) for two more weeks. His cast is off, but he has to wear a splint.

Below is a video of Jared making his first tackle. Be sure to watch it in full screen to be able to see the action. Jared is lined up at outside linebacker. He is wearing red socks, white pants, and a black and yellow jersey. I think it will be hard to pick him out, but he is the one that makes the tackle at the end of the play.

It was hard not to get excited, I guess you could say I am living a bit vicariously through this experience!


Morris Family said...

Very cool! I hope this will be a great experience for the boys. Keep the video camera rolling!

Unknown said...

way to go Jared! Both of you guys look g
reat in your uniforms.

Nana Mary and Grandpa Paul

Anonymous said...

Great to see the boys in their uniforms....boy are they growing up fast! Hope you will keep us posted on the season...with lots of pics. Really enjoy keeping up with you guys on your blog. Much love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

We loved watching your football video. You look great in your uniforms! :) Please include more...Uncle Jimmy and the boys can't stop watching this one!
Great play Jared fighting off the block and making the tackle. We love you!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Jacob is playing this year on the 6 yr old Dacula Falcons team (even though he's almost 7!) He's #37. They look so big in those pads!
Hope the boys have a great season!