Sunday, September 21, 2008

Popcorn Time!

It's that time of year again where Scouts all across America hit the streets and sell the delicious Trail's End popcorn. Brady and Jared are asking that our blog readers have a look at the below product page and assuming you can't resist the allure of gourmet popcorn, email with any orders. Click the image for a large view of the product page. We will cover any and all delivery and shipping costs of your order.

What you always wanted to know about scouting and popcorn:

  • All orders will be filled in time to give as Holiday gifts or have around for the Holidays.
  • 70% of all proceeds go to our local cub scout pack.
  • Popcorn sales help fund most of our yearly activities like camping and space camp.
  • All Trail's End products are certified Kosher (except for Trail's End Trail Mix)
  • All Trail's End popcorn is made and packaged in the US
Click the image for a large view of the product page. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go Red Eagles!

The boys had their first scrimmage a couple of Saturday's ago, and they had a great time and did really well. Here is a short video of them running through their first banner. Brady is in the green short because he was sidelined due to his still recovering broken right forearm. PS. He is cleared to play as of today!

Ella Goes Bananas

Ella had her first taste of bananas the other day, and I would say that she is a big fan! It is a joy to get to watch her experience life one new thing at a time, what a treasure! Be sure to watch to the end for a great laugh and smile!