Jared and Brady went with us which made this even more special. Just when we thought Ella would cover her face like she has in every other ultrasound, she suprised us with this precious shot.
35+ Weeks

A great place to go to keep up with us, which isn't always the easiest thing to do I am told. Please comment if you feel the urge!
She looks wonderful! What a precious little one, can't wait for her to arrive!
love mom
Hey there sleeping beauty! We can't wait to meet you.
Looks like you got lucky! She already looks like Jen:) Can't wait to meet her. Hope the rest of the ride is a smooth one.
Hey Naslunds! She looks beautiful. So exciting that you guys are having a girl. Jen will finally be a little less out numbered by all you guys.
Jen and Eric, she looks beautiful. Hope things all going well for all of you.
Love Angela and Mike
Aww! So sweet, can't wait to meet her!
Love De-De
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