Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Getting Ready for the Derby and Enjoying the Weekend!

Hi all, we had a very fun weekend relaxing and enjoying the snow:)

We also made our cars for Pinewood Derby. Dad worked very hard shaping and sanding to make the blocks of wood look like Derby Racers! He showed some mad skills. Jared and Brady of course did a great job helping dad, they are very excited to race their cars:)

We also had tons of fun playing in the snow and relaxing with some hot cocoa..
Mom is doing well, she is feeling pretty good. Her belly keeps on getting bigger and bigger, we cannot wait to meet Ella:)


Morris Family said...

So when is the big race guys? I'd love to see some pictures of the cars. I remember making my derby car years ago. What a fun experience. It looks like your dad may have some of Grandpa Paul's skills. We look forward to meeting Ella!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the finished cars! when is the race day! Great picks of mom and dad