Wednesday, November 7, 2007

H-A-Double L-O-W-Double E-N Spells HALLOWEEN!

Halloween is one of those holidays that you love as a kid, forget about for a while, and then try to recapture your youth, living vicariously through your sugar-crazed, wide-eyed little ones.

This year was no different, we went out for about an hour, and left a bowl of candy on the front porch for the other neighborhood kids. (The sign read: "Take a small hand full, and ma-woooove along, lest your be cursed!)

Jared was dressed as the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four, and Brady was the Red Power Ranger. Jen, well I am not sure what her costume was supposed to be but she sure was cute! I do not know who the freak in the mask is supposed to be either, but there are some possibilities. (hey, that's two posts in a row with an unnamed, masked man.)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Its a girl!

The last visit to the doctor revealed that we are in fact having a baby girl! The entire family is very excited to welcome our new addition this spring. There are not any great photos from that visit so I won't bore you with uninterpretable ultrasound images. She did not want to be photographed as she was face and belly down and in a breach position, it took nearly 10 minutes to get the verdict, very nerve-racking!We are still working on a name, so feel free to leave your suggestions below!